Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

I love Valentines Day. I know it's a cheesy Hallmark holiday, but I love it anyway. Shawn and I celebrated a little early this year. He took yesterday off work and a friend watched Clarissa for a few hours and we had a fun date. We went to our favorite furniture store and went mattress shopping. We needed a new mattress really bad. I haven't been sleeping well lately and my back has been hurting in the morning and I think it's because of our mattress. We've never had a really great mattress and we decided that it was time to splurge. We had a good time trying them all out at the store and we settled on one that we both love and they're delivering it tomorrow. Then we decided while we were at it we would pick out new pillows, new sheets and a new duvet. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when everything gets here and hopefully I will be sleeping better.

After we did our bed shopping we went our for lunch. We so rarely have a meal without the kids these days and it always seems super exciting when we do. Our alone time seems to be limited these days so we take it when we can get it.

Tonight we're looking forward to a Valentines Day party with friends. We're getting together with the two families that we're really close to and having dinner and some fun activities for the kids. It's always fun when we all get together so I think we're going to have a great time.

That's pretty much all that is new around here these days. For now I'm off to Walmart to buy some supplies for a game we're doing at the party tonight. I need bags of candy hearts. I hope there are still any left! Wish me luck!

Happy Valentines Day!

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