Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We were on a break!

OK, I admit it, my diet and I have been on a break for a few days. We had a nasty falling out there for a bit, but I'm working on the relationship again!

Yesterday was Shawn's birthday and in typical White family style we managed to stretch the celebration out for several days. He took part of last week off work and we hung out. And ate.

Saturday night we went out to dinner with friends to Shawn's favorite restaurant and we ate until we were stuffed. We had a really great night with our awesome friends and also went miniature golfing with them afterwards. I'm terrible at miniature golfing. I just thought you should know that. :)

Sunday we ate birthday cake. Twice. With ice cream. Yesterday was his actual birthday and of course you can't diet on a holiday, right?!

So as a result of all those hijinks, I stood on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty. Let's just not talk about it.

I vowed to do better today and get back on the wagon, but I admit, I'm struggling today. I did the treadmill this morning and I was super sluggish and didn't enjoy a minute of it. Then there was one more piece of birthday cake left and I tried to ignore it all morning and finally gave up and ate it. At least it's out of my life for good now! :)

I keep telling myself that it's OK, it's just a minor setback. Tomorrow I'm going to be back on that treadmill full force and I'm back to counting every calorie. I feel so good when I exercise and eat right. I really don't want to backslide when I've worked so hard and come so far.

The good news is that now school is back in session, no one has a birthday coming up, there are no big holidays for a while and life should be pretty humdrum for the next couple of months and that should be good for my diet progress. It's easier to diet when there isn't birthday cake in the house and there are no big celebrations going on! My goal has always been to be down to a number that I'm happy with by Halloween and I can still make it, even with this little setback. I just have to stick with it.

So I can do this. When I'm in the zone it really isn't that hard, it's just hard to get off track and get back on again. It feels great to watch the weight come off. It does NOT feel great to watch it come back.

So now that I've confessed my diet break up and vowed to get back together and try harder, I will push forward and keep going. I'll keep you posted. :)

1 comment:

Jessilyn said...

I too am trying to lose that little bit of baby weight left over from having my son. I have experienced many "breaks" while on my diet. haha I feel your pain!