Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I was just sitting here and something came to me. It's January. It's January 1st and I'm not grumbling about it bring January yet. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate January. Haaate it. I start grumbling about January by mid December. It's cold, it's dark, it's long and there are no exciting present filled holidays. After all the fun of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, January is the month when all the fun is over, when winter stops being a novelty and when you just see a big long stretch ahead until spring. 

But today is January 1st and I was just sitting here excitedly thinking about what lies ahead for this month. I'm going to be restarting my diet on Monday (I need a few more days to clear the rest of the holiday food out of the house), I'm going to finally get my foot looked at so I can get back to exercising, we're starting our year of books tomorrow so tomorrow I will be choosing my first book of the year, and later this month we are taking our yearly January weekend getaway to Cascade where we will hopefully be playing in the snow and feeding some elk. 

As I was sitting here planning all the stuff we have coming up it occurred to me that I wasn't feeling cranky about January! Now, granted, January just started. Get back to me in two weeks and I may be singing a different tune, but at least for the time being I'm happy to report that my January grumpiness is being kept at bay. I'm not looking at the long dark month ahead with dread. I've got plans, I've got things to do. I've got books to read and a vacation getaway to plan. I've got weight to lose and miles to run and places to go and people to see. :)

In two weeks if I come back here and curse January like I always do, someone remind me of this post and them smack me upside the head, OK? I'm going to make it through January this year. I can feel it. :)

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