Sunday, May 5, 2013

I have a teenager!

Well, it's official. Josh turned 13 today and I am officially the parent of a teenager. I can not believe that kid is 13. He was a tiny baby just yesterday, wasn't he?!

Josh has been a unique kid ever since he was little. He spoke early and hasn't stopped speaking since, lol. His first word was hi and when he was still super little would go to the grocery store he would wave and say hi to everyone in the store. One of my favorite memories of Josh as a toddler was when he was three and we took a vacation to Oregon and took a trolley ride in Astoria. He so thoroughly charmed everyone on the trolley that by the end the conductor had him up there helping him drive and when we got off one family chased us down because they wanted to talk to him. That's Josh.

By the time he was three he had taught himself to read, by the time he was four or five he was writing stories and by the time he was around six he was making movies on the computer.  He's always been really creative and I love seeing what he comes up with. Our house is full of stories he has written, comics he has drawn, Lego creations he has made and movies he has created. There is a lot going on in his brain and I'm always excited to see what he comes up with next.

Josh is a good kid and I'm proud of him. He's sweet and kind and fun be around. I'm so glad that he is a part of our family. He makes us happy every day.

We had fun celebrating his birthday this weekend. Shawn took him and Matthew to Iron Man 3 yesterday and today we opened presents, had cake and ice cream and had an Amazing Race marathon. That's his favorite show and we were a few episodes behind so we got caught up and then watched the finale that was on tonight.

So it was a good weekend celebrating our new teenager. Holy cow, I have a teenager. How in the world did that happen?! :)

Happy birthday Josh! We sure love you!

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